Services in October

Each Sunday:

8 am Communion Service

10 am Sung Eucharist Service

Each Wednesday:

10 am Communion Service - in the Lady Chapel

6th Oct 10 am - Sung Eucharist Service: Harvest Festival & Pet Service

A sung Eucharist Service.  No Junior Church

4 pm - Messy Church

13th Oct 10 am - Sung Eucharist Service 

With Junior Church  

20th Oct 10 am - Community Communion Service

A more informal service involving young people.
No Junior Church

20th Oct 5 pm - Choral Evensong

Setting: Brewer in D
Anthem: Safe in the shadow of the Lord - Norman Warren (b. 1934)
Voluntary: Londonderry Air - arr. Noel Rawsthorne (1929 - 2019)

27th Oct 10 am - Sung Eucharist Service 

With Junior Church.

At this service, there will be an opportunity to remember departed loved ones by name.  Either add names to the list at the back of the church or add names to this online list.

Monday to Thursday & Saturday:

8:30 am Said Morning Prayer in the Lady Chapel