Regular Services


8 am: Said Service of Holy Communion (Common Worship Order Two *see below)

10 am: Sung Service of Holy Communion (Common Worship Order One *see below)

Sunday Evenings

First Sundays: Messy Church (*see below) at 4 pm

Third Sundays: Choral Evensong (*see below) at 5 pm

Morning Prayer

Said at 8:30 am in the Lady Chapel each day except Fridays and Sundays

Wednesday Communion

10 am: Said Service of Holy Communion (Common Worship Order Two)

What does it mean?

Common Worship is a collection of resources used by the Church of England for worship, including two main orders for celebrating Holy Communion: Order One and Order Two. Both orders follow the basic structure of a Eucharist service, but they differ in their style and emphasis.

Order One uses Contemporary language which encourages a more interactive and participatory experience. Its 3 part structure ( Gathering, Word and Sacrament) is similar to that of Order Two with accessible language which creates a warm, welcoming and engaging feel to the service.

Order Two uses traditional language closer to that of the Book of Common Prayer. It is a more formal, richer and elaborate language, which creates a reverent, majestic, and timeless feel to the service.

Messy Church is a fantastic way to experience church as a family! It's centred around Jesus, welcomes all ages, and emphasises creativity, hospitality, and celebration.

Choral Evensong is a beautiful and unique tradition, offering a time of contemplation and peace at the end of the day. It is a singing-focused church service traditionally held near sunset (5 pm at St Matthew’s).  It features the choir singing choral music, psalms, and hymns alongside readings and prayers.  

Morning Prayer is one of the two main Daily Offices in the church.  It's a structured service with psalms, prayers and scripture readings.  A quiet said service that is a great way to start your day.