
The Foodbank is at the heart of outreach at St Matthew’s and this ever-growing work is run from the church itself. Currently we are helping up to 200 individuals each week who are living under food poverty, and from a humble beginning in 2012, when we operated from two small cupboards at the back of the church, this has become a project that defines us. It requires the dedication of over fifty volunteers – especially on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays when we are in full swing. There are many ways in which you may be able to support this project, visit the Foodbank website for further information.

Please note the the Foodbank now has it's own bank account and any donations should be made direct to them.

Cheques should be made payable to Foodbank at Saint Matthew's Redhill. If you wish to Gift Aid your donation, please also send back a completed Gift Aid form.


If you would like to set up a regular standing order or bank transfer, please use the following bank details:

Account name: Foodbank at Saint Matthews Redhill

Account number: 20069860

Sort code: 30 99 50

Reference: Please add your surname so we can identify the payments coming from you.